Upcoming events.
Fraternal Order of Eagles Piedmont Aerie 4420 Paint Party Fundraiser in Danville
Join Dana with Imagine Nation Paint for a festive morning of creativity and support the Fraternal Order of Eagles Piedmont Aerie 4420! Choose your favorite painting design on canvas (Nutcracker, Holiday Snowman, or Vintage Santa). Use any colors you like—no rules, just fun! Door prizes, limited seating, and $10 per ticket goes to the Danville Pittsylvania County Cancer Association on behalf of the Fraternal Order of Eagles Piedmont. Grab your tickets by December 4th!
Paint Party at Jr’s Mexican Grill in Gretna
Join Dana at Imagine Nation Paint for a festive holiday paint party! Choose between a Holiday Snowman, Holiday Highlander, or Holiday Spruce on canvas—your colors, your style, and no rules! Enjoy food and drinks from Jr's in Gretna at 5:15 pm, and get ready to paint at 6:30 pm sharp. With door prizes and limited seating, this is one event you won’t want to miss! Register by December 14th!
*We’re excited to support the Gretna Elementary PTO! $10 per ticket sold to this event will go back to the PTO!
Paint Party at Harvest Moon Marketplace in Moneta
Join Dana at Imagine Nation Paint for a festive evening of creativity and fun! Choose between painting a Vintage Santa or Joyful Snowman on an 18-inch wooden sled, or a Magical Christmas Tree on an 11x14 canvas. Use any colors you like—there are no rules, just creativity! Enjoy food and drinks from Harvest Moon Marketplace, with one drink included in your ticket. Door prizes, limited seating—grab your tickets by November 16th!
Paint Party at Jr’s Mexican Grill in Gretna
Join Dana at Imagine Nation Paint for a festive holiday paint party! Choose between a 12" Wooden Truck & Tree, Festive Chicken, or Holiday Reindeer on canvas—your colors, your style, and no rules! Enjoy food and drinks from Jr's in Gretna at 5:15 pm, and get ready to paint at 6:30 pm sharp. With door prizes and limited seating, this is one event you won’t want to miss! Register by November 9th!