Consider This Your Creative Intervention

Consider This Your Creative Intervention

Do you ever scroll through your Facebook memories, stumble across posts from years back, and cringe a little? Maybe it was a time when everything felt heavy, and your posts reflected that—comments filled with frustration, negativity, and a real lack of joy. I went through this exact revelation recently, looking back at my posts from 2009 to 2011. All I could think was, “Oh my gosh, I was so negative. I was so miserable!”

Back then, I was carrying a lot—grief from losing a best friend, endless responsibilities, and the fairly new struggles of "adulting" that hit us all. But there’s one thing I can clearly see now, two thoughts that stand out the most: 1) Thank God for how far He’s brought me since then, and 2) Why the heck wasn’t I painting? Painting had always been my outlet, my therapy in high school. It was my way to escape and reconnect with myself, but somewhere along the line, I let it slip away.

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